Monday, September 30, 2013

This is probably the best week

This is probably the best week. There were many spiritual experiences. I just love the devotionals and the things we learned in class. I wish I could relate all of them to you, but I don't have much time. One thing a ZRT taught me was to ask inspired question in the middle of lesson even if you have to be quiet for a while, pray in your heart and mind until you have a inspired question. The other thing she taught me was to pretend your investigator(s) is a close family member. One thing bro. Markov told me/us is that our mission can bless my great-grandchildren. One of the things I learned from the devotional was to have a personal devotional with Lord daily (nightly for the missionaries). There is this talk by Elder Bernard call the Character of Christ. I when I get access to a Ensign I will read that article for sure.

It's Awesome and a little weird Nate is home now. He and I will have a lot of catching up to do when I get back. I love that cousin. I just love my family. I really haven't been home sick, but my love for you increases. I hope that continues.

Everyone in my district is going to Argentina, and everyone in my district got this cute little note in are mail that says:"We have mot received your visa clearance for Argentina. When you are cleared we will contact you and give you your flight plans." Well, it looks like were going serve in the states for awhile, which actually be cool to do for awhile.

I hope all is well with you all.

God speed the right.

-love, Elder Bransen Gene Jensen.

Ps: your quote "Grandpa is a bawl baby" is from Serena the bawl baby. Your quote is "and it came to pass'' think prayer. Buena suerta

Monday, September 23, 2013

I'm excited to actually serve people

No mucho paso, not much has happen, although last Tuesday's devotional was awesome, it was the best and most meaningful thing I've heard since being here.

Spanish is getting better I think. We went to the temple today.

Things are pretty great for the most part. To answer your questions: I believe we are leaving the 8th of Oct. I have no idea about the visas. And I really want to go to Argentina. I'm sure it will be great. I'm excited to actually serve people and not just study and talk about it here. I really want to use my ability to teach the gospel with the spirit and not just talk about it and practice doing it.
It's crazy Nate is coming home.
Thanks for the pictures and your letters.
love you, God loves you.
ama Elder Jensen

Your quote "do you know why they call it calm water??  because it's calm" I think is from Collin.  My quote is "the water out here can make you loose." . This should be really easy

Monday, September 16, 2013

I can't believe it's only the 3rd week

Happy birthday Mom. Your half way there. Haha. Thank you for sending me the stuff I needed, and the giyetas (cookies). It's pretty crazy that Nate is coming home so soon, I going to miss that cousin of mine; I'll miss you and all the other family as well but I saw you not too long ago.

Anyway, I'm really excited to go to Argentina. I can't believe my 3rd week is coming to an end. Then again I cant believe it's only the 3rd week. Haha. It's been raining quite a bit, and weather is starting to cool down.

I love some of the things we learn, and Spanish is fun. The lesson simulations are awkward, fun and spiritual in a different way. We go to the temples on are p-day. Yes I do, do my own laundry. There are 4 Elder in my apartment. A normal day is typical; wake-up 6:00 a.m. eat breakfast 6:30, in personal study for about an hour. Then class instruction or additional or language study for the rest of the day.  I must say I really like Sunday. We have sacrament, a devotional and video. It's awesome. This week's devotional speaker was Elder Tanner. He makes church movies like "17 miracles" and he showed us some clips form Ephraim's Rescue.

Anyway your story of the old man reminds me, that on Sunday walking to Sacrament meeting there was this old man in a car with his wife driving; while driving by he rolled down his window, in a old man voice said: "hey elders" It was pretty awesome, it made part of my day.
Love you, and God loves you
Elder Bransen Gene Jensen

Monday, September 9, 2013

I love it here

Well, It's exciting to hear all these updates. I'm glad to hear Josh's farewell went well. I'm pretty excited for him to be coming here this week. There's a slim chance that he'll come to this campus, because I have not seen any Oriental languages here, but you never know. I'm way excited for Neerahahpah as well. I guess Paul Foxworth guessed her call correctly, tell her congrats for me. Oh, and one of my friends form middle school is here now, Justin Jeperson, (Elder Jeperson).

It was pretty cool that you were able to talk with Mama Becky, and that I'm loved by my karate students. I'm glad that Collin loves karate.

On last Monday and on Saturday there was big storm especially on Saturday. During and after there were huge puddles, some big enough to put my shoe in. Anyway I love it here, I love the devotionals, church, and our district.  Our district is doing the MTC choir. Anyway my time is up, I wish I had more time. I promise to write you first next time.

Love Elder Bransen Jensen

Monday, September 2, 2013

First Days at the MTC - The longest days I've ever lived

Well the M.T.C. has been a great and tough experience. The first 4 days were the longest days I've ever lived, especially Wednesday and Thursday. I'm at the west campus at the M.T.C. The other Elders have said that the food is a lot better here, and I believe them; it is actually really good.

My companion is Elder Thorum. My district is pretty awesome. I just love them. My district includes my self, Elder Thorum, E. Jackson, E. Daul. E. Parkinson, E. Finch, E. Fisher, E. Olson. Elder Parkinson is the one I met the last day of school, and Elder Olson also went to Herriman High. Most of us are from the Salt Lake area, one is from Hurricane, Logan, and California. My leaders are pretty awesome but their names have escaped me.

To answer your questions in order: wonderful in hard good way. I love Church, we also had mission conference. There is much to say about the MTC, but one way to describe my first 2-4 day was like going through another veil.  You almost forget who you are, and don't what you are doing, but now I'm much better and feel more of my self and the spirit. We do a lot of self study, have 3 hour class with a teacher, and we teach an investigator in espanlo, it's a really cool experience. And there's nothing on my ceiling.

I'll be checking and writing emails on Mondays. I'll email every one weekly, but I only have an hour.

Anyway I love you and Dios loves you. Best of wishes.

-Elder Bransen Gene Jensen

p.s. Your quote is from you on Wednesday afternoon, before the MTC. Your quote of the week is "my dad teach me" buenos suerte