Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Changes and more changes

Yesterday (Monday) was transfers. Here is a funny story.  Saturday they told me that I was going to be transferred to Cultral Co, with Elder Mark. I was excited.  Monday I almost got on the bus late, but barely made it thanks to God, and help of missionaries...2 hours later, I arrive, but no one is in the terminal for a time, then they showed up and ask me who is my comp. I said Elder Mark. They stood surprised and asked "Did they not tell you about the changes?.." What changes? I asked... I went to call the Assistant to the President... then he calls, and then told me you should be in Allen, your comp is not Elder Mark.. ¿¿?? -  So they bought a ticket and I returned to Neuquen, 2 hours later, I still didn't know who is going to be my comp. Then in the terminal my new comp Elder Graves found me, and yay.  But there is a divine part to this story.  On my return to Neuquen, my seat was right next to an investigator from San Martín who was going to Plotier, who is not baptized yet. So we talked and she wanted to read a folleto of the Plan of  Salvacion. So who knows, God has plans. 
So I am here in Allen (pronounced "ashen") with Elder Graves who is from Merry.

Some changes in the mission is that that we only have 2 key indicators. Baptism. and church attendance. 

Super congrats to Nat and Joe. I have more people to meet when I get home. que tal. 

Good job Mom, and the missionary moms on your talks. Even if we are prepare, we still may feel unprepared.

I'm closer to end, but still have plenty of time. I want to take advantage of it.  I have faith that it will happen. It is weird, like Nate said, I see the light at the end, but I can't slow time and it is going to end. I have no power

Love you for your love your stories and spiritual thoughts. 
love you son bro cousin. nephew. etc.
Elder Bransen Gene Jensen.

PS your quote "that is so racist, oh never mind I was thinking way too deep" must be from Em, it sounds like her.  Your quote is. '' when I am bigger when I get angry I am going punch a pillow, and not my kids and wife.´´

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