Monday, September 2, 2013

First Days at the MTC - The longest days I've ever lived

Well the M.T.C. has been a great and tough experience. The first 4 days were the longest days I've ever lived, especially Wednesday and Thursday. I'm at the west campus at the M.T.C. The other Elders have said that the food is a lot better here, and I believe them; it is actually really good.

My companion is Elder Thorum. My district is pretty awesome. I just love them. My district includes my self, Elder Thorum, E. Jackson, E. Daul. E. Parkinson, E. Finch, E. Fisher, E. Olson. Elder Parkinson is the one I met the last day of school, and Elder Olson also went to Herriman High. Most of us are from the Salt Lake area, one is from Hurricane, Logan, and California. My leaders are pretty awesome but their names have escaped me.

To answer your questions in order: wonderful in hard good way. I love Church, we also had mission conference. There is much to say about the MTC, but one way to describe my first 2-4 day was like going through another veil.  You almost forget who you are, and don't what you are doing, but now I'm much better and feel more of my self and the spirit. We do a lot of self study, have 3 hour class with a teacher, and we teach an investigator in espanlo, it's a really cool experience. And there's nothing on my ceiling.

I'll be checking and writing emails on Mondays. I'll email every one weekly, but I only have an hour.

Anyway I love you and Dios loves you. Best of wishes.

-Elder Bransen Gene Jensen

p.s. Your quote is from you on Wednesday afternoon, before the MTC. Your quote of the week is "my dad teach me" buenos suerte

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