Monday, December 23, 2013

Feliz Navidad

Wow Navidad ya otra vez. First and foremost Skype will be 5:00 pm the 25th here so about 1:00. See you then.

To answer mom´s questions:
Is P day on Monday? Yes
Do you have a grocery store nearby? Yes many and different types and an ice cream place se llama Grido. Good place but has flavors with alcohol and accidentally had one of those type. We ask the lady after. They just don´t have the same rules here. But now we know to be more careful. Anyway.
Do you have a washer? No the mission cant afford anymore
Do you have a maid? no, nobody does.
You do your own cleaning? yes
Are you happy? yes, but we have to work at being happy sometimes. And I'm growing so much. I love this work and would not want to be anywhere else even if there are moments when I feel different.

Glad you're having fun, and there is a lot going on. Thanks for telling me about Teresa I will keep her in my prayers.

Some really neat things that happen here. On Tuesday we had a FHE at the Bishops with Juan our investigator (who came to church again and is planning to come again woohoo!!) Any way it was on the plan of salvation, It was similar to the one we do as a family, where talk about each state and different food for the different glories. It went very well and I was in charge for the most part, and it was fun. And Juan stayed almost to 11:00 with the bishop´s family after we left. That man understands so much and we again invited him to be baptize.  He said he needs more time because he knows how important it is.

Oh, we both found out we are getting transferred to where we don´t know yet. They told us early so we could prepare the pench (apartment) for the incoming sisters.

There was a baptism on Saturday and I was the piano player. We sang normal hymns and had a choir number by the missionaries.

Don't forget the reason for the season. Marry CHRISTmas. And thanks for your spiritual thoughts. I hope my stories give you a spiritual boost.

God Love you
Te amo
Ama Elder Bransen Gene Jensen.

Your quote "If I was Santa, I wouldn't use reindeer, I would use a cooler animal like jaguars. And then I would need to move to South America, since there are no jaguars in the North Pole." is without a doubt from Collin. Your quote is: ´´hey want to play with my darbies.´´

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