Monday, January 6, 2014

Transferred to Neuquen Oeste Area

Well I did get transferred. I´m in the Neuquen oeste (west) area. My Companion is Elder Stoker. We get along well, but he is really quiet, but that´s OK his a real good Elder and we are working. The area is city, and part of it is on a slope up to a plateau, and it has been hot. I hope that describes it. Overall I don´t know the area that well yet, because I am new. So give me un poco para contestar sus pegentas.
(Tambein, quisaz espribir alguno esañol.)

I like the allegory Emalie had, about the door. And that´s a funny story. Thanks for your spiritual story, and your funny story.

I have story. I and my new companion were waiting outside for some other elders that were going to stay with us for while. Anyway they arrived and a neighbor came across the street and said she had a question for us, but she said "I what to talk to him (pointing to me) because his looks like he studies more". Anyway she asked me what is the difference between us, the Jehovah witnesses, Catholics, and someone else. I asked her to repeat her question. Then she started to speak to me in a different language(attempted English but not even a bit close or understandable language). Then I said Spanish please. I did not understand. Anyway I shared some of are beliefs and told her I don't know much about the other religions that much, but somewhere in the mix a re asking her to repeat. She repeated the same phrase 3 or 4 times. I thought of Collin and Conrad and how they would of probably laughed, and wish I could imitate the sounds she was making over email. Anyway I hope this story is understandable.

Anyway sounds like you had fun, at the condo, and found new trails to hike. Emalie, think every time you go hiking, think that one of my investigators is going to go to chruch. jaja.

Love Elder Bransen Gene Jensen

PS - Your quote "I think Bransen will marry a girl" is from Ash.

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