Monday, March 10, 2014

Finding investigators from investigators

It´s funny that your guys are saying it is warming up, and it is starting to cool down here.
I hope mom can handle her to do list well with school and everything.
Gracias por los fotos.
We have new investigators. I really want to tell all the miracles that lead up to us finding them. But it is a little hard to type it all. But to say the least, we felt the spirit and followed it, which helped us find someone else.  On the way to find those people, our new investigator called us over. We set a time to go visit them, and there we met his friend who listened to us in that visit. They both accepted a date to be baptized. and one of them understood the authority necessary to be properly baptized, even though it was from a quick quick summary of why it was lost. They both went to church, even when they had work opportunities that pay for example ( 300 peso for Sunday, and 100 for the weekdays Monday-Friday) what faith!! Their names Juan Carlos, and Luis. Juan understands a lot, form when we taught them and when he went church. Luis is a good man, has a problem with drinking, but really wants to change. Wow feel like there is a responsibility on me/us. I wish I could explain more about them. (I guess you´ll have to wait till I return and then I can tell you those stories of the Mission in greater detail, we´ll worry about that later.) Ayer, we went to visit them to talk about the job compensation program the church has, and set a lesson for today.  Juan told my companion, that he was not drinking, even with his friends there, because he knew we were coming.
For Sunday we had stake conference, and there was a seventy there. There was sessions on Saturday that we went to. Our Mission President was there as well.
Well, es asi, I love you all a lot. God and Jesus love you more.
Love Elder Jensen.
Ps. your quote "Grandma, you want to see me smoke?" is form me when I was little making dust (smoke), and your quote is:´´daddy can I have a cookie sandwich.´´

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